Have you just started your entrepreneur journey or do you just have an entrepreneur mindset and want assistance with setting things in motion to align with your vision and achieve your goals? Are your thoughts muddled due to so much going on in your mind? Do you have ideas you want to get moving but just unable to generate the focus you require?

“A business has to be involving, it has to be fun and it has to exercise your creative instincts.”
Richard Branson

Life Changes has devised a holistic 1 to 1 coaching self-starter program to change your habit so your work ethic is logical, focused and durable with lasting results that will create a total breakthrough in the quality of your personal and professional life.

Key fundamental areas of focused development that will assist you in your transformation are:-

Sequencing & Time Management 

  • Impulse Control = To Become responsible for getting things done.
  • Self Control = To Set priorities and resist impulsive actions or responses.
  • Emotional Control = To Understand your emotions as well as regulating your emotions based on current goals and socially-shared rules.
  • Flexible Thinking = To learn how to tackle your problems. 
  • Working Memory = To self- regulate for goal-setting and working around your obstacles.
  • Self-monitoring = To assess yourself and understand your external standards and seeing if you meet them.
  • Planning & Prioritizing = To create your road map and making decisions about what’s important for you to focus on.
  • Task Initiation & Organisation = To deal with procrastination.

One-to-One Coaching: To remove or change the negatives so they are no longer an obstacle and that your positives include goals, objectives, vision, strengths and energy.

Ask yourself;  If things were exactly the way you wanted, What might that be like? Or look like?

For your free 30 minute consultation you must please answer the question above.

£160 per session; You will also be given free 15 minute interval call support throughout your committed coaching agreement.

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