Being an empath means you can actually feel another person’s happiness or sadness in your own body. It may even be difficult to tell if you are feeling your own emotions or someone else’s. However, living in this state of high sensitivity also comes with its challenges such as becoming:

  1. Easily overwhelmed
  2. Overstimulated
  3. Exhausted
  4. Stressed with negative emotions

‘The power of empathy & intuition will open your heart, empower your life and create a champion for the future.’
Michelle Grant

Empaths excel knowing emotional freedom, positive energy and the power of surrender. Life Changes 1 to 1 coaching will help you cultivate these capacities and be comfortable with it in order to thrive. 

Key fundamental areas of focused development that will assist you in your transformation are:-

Emotional Intelligence

  • Self-awareness = Your road to healing & discovering self-expression.
  • Self- regulation = Your understanding and working with your own emotions.
  • Motivation = Your emotional balance and making empathy work for you.
  • Setting Boundaries = Your ability to recognize your own needs, your own time and your own emotional stability.
  • Empath & Work = Your ability to thrive in the job market and stimulate your creative skills.

One-to-One Coaching: To listen and provide a strong support system for change of your emotional and physical challenges by encouraging healthy habits. 

Ask yourself; What importance do you see in making changes, following through, and persevering? 

For your free 30 minute consultation you must please answer the question above.

£160 per session; You will also be given free 15 minute interval call support throughout your committed coaching agreement.

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